I'm going GAGA this Thanksgiving - How about you?

Watch this video now:

Actual Filename: "128_1843.MOV"

Please watch my Thanksgiving video. I really mean it when I say that my heart is full of gratitude for you and what you do for our community. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Please leave a comment below and share something that you are grateful for this holiday season. I promise to read it and I'm sure that others will benefit from the sharing.

Years ago, I wrote about "Going GAGA".

It’s the practice of expressing Gratitude, Appreciation, Generosity, and Abundance.

I urge you to go GAGA. Generosity is the act of giving “it” away. So do it in a really big way.

Give away compliments, gifts, send cards. Give away what you don’t need or even if you do. Give what you most want and it will come back in ways you can’t even imagine. Give unconditionally and of course you will receive back tenfold.

